We help patients and caregivers make informed decisions about Pfizer medications.

¿Tiene una pregunta sobre un Producto Pfizer?

*The submission will be reviewed during our standard business hours.
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¿Tiene una pregunta sobre un Producto Pfizer?

*9 AM to 6 PM from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). 

¿Tiene una pregunta sobre un Producto Pfizer?

To report an adverse event related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, click the link below: www.pfizersafetyreporting.com

If you cannot use the above website, or would like to report an adverse event related to a different Pfizer product, please contact Pfizer pharmacovigilance at [email protected].

¿Tiene una pregunta sobre un Producto Pfizer?

Pact Onco offers several resources in oncology to answer patients' questions.