Terms and Conditions of Use

While you are free to navigate all or part of this internet set, you are hereby informed and agree that any access and use of the Website on your part must comply with these terms and conditions of use and all applicable laws. The Website is available for use by Healthcare Professionals practicing in France. Any use of the contents and links to the contents on the Website other than under the terms and conditions defined hereinafter are strictly prohibited.

1. Legal Notices

This internet site (the “Website”) is published by PFIZER, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 47570 Euros registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under Number B 433 623 550, whose registered office is located at 23-25, avenue du Docteur Lannelongue 75014 Paris (“Pfizer”), the Lessee-Manager of PFIZER Holding France. Telephone:  01 58 07 30 00

The publication director is Mr Franck Le Breguero, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer.

The web host is the Acquia company, 53 State Street 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02109 USA, registered under Number 26-0493001. Telephone:  +1 888-922-7842. The Website is hosted in Ireland, inside the European Economic Area.

2. Purpose and content of the Website

2.1 Nature and scope of the information provided on the Website

The purpose of the Website is to handle Medical Information requests in relation to medications and products of Pfizer’s France group company, operating in the field of pharmaceuticals. It contains medical information intended for healthcare professionals practicing in France.

The medical and pharmaceutical information available on this Website is intended for general information purposes in response to unsolicited medical questions from healthcare professionals practicing in France. The scientific content available on the Site is factual and precise, scientifically balanced and non-promotional. It undergoes rigorous internal medical review and is updated regularly or annually to incorporate recent data.

The user hereby acknowledge he/she is fully informed that the information contained on the Website is not in any manner whatsoever provided for the purpose of:

  • providing a medical opinion,
  • making a diagnosis,
  • serving in the place of a consultation, opinion or guidance obtained from a healthcare professional, promoting or recommending the use of any products, whether or not they are marketed by Pfizer.
  • The user is hereby informed that a doctor or another competent healthcare professional must be consulted prior to using any product or prior to any use of any of the information appearing on the Website.

2.2 Updates to the Website

Pfizer will make its best effort to offer up-to-date information on the Website. However, some information that is offered may require updating that the company might be unable to provide prior to the time when it is consulted by the user. Pfizer may not be held liable for any errors or omissions.

2.3 Hyperlinks

The Website may provide links to other sites whose contents are not controlled by Pfizer. Access and use of these sites is made at the full and sole liability of the user, according to the terms and conditions of use that may potentially apply for such third party websites.

3. Intellectual Property

The Website and in particular all of its individual elements taken separately, artwork, displayed information, static or moving images, sounds, graphic design, the contents of any and all articles, press reviews, and more generally all information appearing on the Website are the exclusive property of Pfizer or third parties with whom Pfizer has signed agreements allowing for reproduction and distribution.
Apart from use for personal purposes by the user in accordance with current legislation, all reproduction, distribution and more generally all exploitation, in all or in part, of the Website are subject to the prior express written authorisation from Pfizer.
Any and all use of data or information taken from the Website duly authorised by Pfizer must contain a comment indicating Pfizer or the person or entity as author of the information, as source of the information The names and logos that are the property of Pfizer and in particular any names and logos potentially associated with the Website constitute protected registered trademarks. Any use of such names and/or logos require prior express written authorisation from Pfizer.
Any hyperlink from a third-party website and allowing access to the Website or to any of its pages shall require prior written authorisation from Pfizer. Pfizer denies all liability for the contents of such third party websites linked to the Website and more generally due to such links.
Failure on the part of the user to obtain authorisation from Pfizer to exploit or use the aforementioned elements or to establish a link to the Website, the user is liable to be prosecuted.

4. Responsibility

The Website is in principle available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of the publisher of the Site and subject to any breakdowns or maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site. The publisher of the Website also reserves the right to modify, suspend, restrict or interrupt access to all or part of the Website, without notice. The responsibility of the publisher of the Website cannot therefore be sought for temporary or permanent unavailability, total or partial of the Website.

The user is solely responsible for the use he makes of the Website. As an express reminder, the Internet is not a secure network. It is up to the users to take all appropriate measures to protect their hardware and the data stored on their hardware against any infringement. Pfizer denies any liability in the event of damage incurred by the user and such damage may not be attributed to Pfizer, in particular as a result of the loss, degradation or corruption of files, the transmission of viruses infecting the user’s computer equipment or any other property occurring while connected and/or consulted and/or making use of the Website.

5. Pharmacovigilance

Any reportable adverse effects linked to a Pfizer product must be immediately sent via email to  [email protected].

6. Applicable Law

The Website is governed by French law.

7. Updates

These terms and conditions of use may be subject to updates by Pfizer. For this reason, we encourage you to keep yourself regularly informed of the Website’s terms and conditions of use.